Anti-Trafficking and Gnder-Based Violence

DACT desire for freedom and justice for the oppressed, the downtrodden, the abused and exploited girls, women and children. We believe in mercy and compassion for the last, the least, and the lost. We believe in healing for the broken, in recovery and restoration for the victims of human trafficking and sexual predation.

These beliefs are our passion; they are the reasons why we work so hard every day to serve victims of human trafficking and gender-based violence, and why we are committed to doing all we can to prevent such crimes from happening in the first place.

Some time now, DACT has been serving the needs of children and families who are homeless, orphaned, abused, and neglected. Its passion is driven by “offer a cup of cold water” and to provide loving, caring, and professional service to those who are in need, with a focus on the provision of trauma counseling, spiritual healing, life skills, education, and confidence-building. The program offers safe, secure, and undisclosed residential services for the safety of those it serves.

DACT Actions

DACT is committed to mobilizing activists in the fight to end human trafficking both in Africa and abroad. DACT addresses domestic violence in the home and surrounding communities and works to informs girls and women on the dangers of trafficking and forced prostitution. Additionally, women learn how to keep their families safe should they choose to move to a city or larger community. By increasing personal and community awareness, women and girls are not as easily deceived by traffickers preying on the desperation that springs from poverty.

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